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Sincere Heart & Excellent Spirit

Updated: Oct 3

This month, God is going to give us a sincere heart. God wants us to be sincere in our duties so that we get a great name for Him and we represent Him in the right way through which He gives honor in our lives. Those who are sincere are lifted up by the Lord. The Bible says in II Corinthians 1: 12 “the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly towards you.” Today we might say 'I am not able to be sincere in what I do and I am drifting away and getting a bad name. Let us not depend on our own efforts or wisdom but let us ask God for a ‘sincere heart’.

As young people, what things are we supposed to be sincere about? We are expected to study well, to do well with all our talents in the competitions and to shine in everything. We are expected to show great love to our family, bring joy to our parents and are expected to be a good son/daughter of God, following all that Jesus says. These are our duties and God expects us to be sincere in all these things and it will be a blessing for us when we give ourselves to do so. He will say, ‘Well done my good and faithful servant’ Matthew 25:21. Be faithful and sincere in your duties and God will be very pleased. When we try to be sincere, the devil puts up barriers to distract us, tempt us and tries to make us lethargic and procrastinated so that we get deviated from being sincere.

‘I know a friend of mine, who was studying well and got very high marks every time and was competing for the first rank but in his 11th std, his friends gave him a cell phone so that they could be in touch with him and talk with him all the time. They used it for texting and exchanging jokes, leading him to addiction and losing focus. This addiction resulted in a decrease in his marks and his ability to compete for top ranks, affecting his passion for studying.’

That’s how the devil distracts us. It hits the children of God more than others, causing us to lose God's grace, sincere heart, dedication, focus, and passion. We cannot operate with the world and with God. It will be so hard to come back. This is what the devil tries to take away from us. Let us have a sincere heart before Jesus so that we get a good name. We might say the world puts so much pressure on us, everyone's eyes must be upon us to see how we behave in class and how we are in social life, in church, what marks do we get and how we perform in every thing. The world’s eyes would be glued upon us to see what the son of Jesus or daughter of Jesus is doing. We are not only carrying our name, we are carrying the name of Jesus, so how do we deal with it?

If we see the life of Daniel, people around him were putting so much pressure on him, he had to be extraordinary, always on top of everybody in order to survive. He had to be the best, because he followed God unlike other people. They were waiting to see where he would slip, and fall in performance, fall in his wisdom and in his replies. They were waiting for opportunities to put him down. How could he do it? He prayed every morning, afternoon and night. Kept in touch with God, saying ‘Lord help me, help me in all my duties’ ….God gave him a heart which was eager to do well and gave him great wisdom and Daniel was successful in everything he did. He had an ‘excellent spirit’ from God.

Let us receive such a sincere spirit, do well before the Lord, before everybody and honor the name of God and bring honor to our name as well. Let’s ask God for a sincere heart and for Him to always stay with us. Please the Lord and excel in all things.

I know you will be focused and do your best with a sincere heart from today. Click here to watch October 2024 Monthly Blessing

With much prayers,

Samuel Dhinakaran

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