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No More Struggles

“What makes people rich in this life?” The Lord’s blessing makes people rich, not human toil. The Bible says in Proverbs 10:22, “The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, without painful toil for it.”

Yes! The blessing of the Lord brings great wealth, with no struggle. At a young age, many of us may be working hard for our family's sake, striving hard to get a high-paying job, seeking promotion, trying to clear debts, or aiming to join a reputed company and looking unto God for financial prosperity and days of increase.

My friend, despite our hard efforts, sometimes we don’t achieve the success we are looking for or receive a reward for it, or have the support of others to get things done. With much frustration, we might say, "Where will I get wealth from?" or "Where will I get an increase?" There is no guarantee to get wealth, except the one guarantee from the Lord: ‘The blessing of the Lord brings wealth.’ When the Lord blesses us, it produces wealth in our lives. He knows how to provide for us and how to make us increase.

“A woman named Maraya in Dubai, was living happily with her husband and with her one year old child. They both were well placed in their work. Her husband was working in a bank as a ranking high officer and one time his colleagues played havoc by forging the signature of a customer and they passed on the documents for him to sign it and approve it. Because of that a great amount was sanctioned to be transferred from that customer account and he was taken into custody. It was a shock to both of them. They said, why is this happening? We have been trying to do things right. They had to fight a legal case and had to spend a huge amount as lawyer fees. They got into debt as the days progressed and became very depressed. The wife didn’t know what to do; she had a one year old child and a family to take care of. Suddenly she stumbled upon a video of my father and mother praying on YouTube, as they were praying for deliverance, that day she felt a tremendous change within her as though God had come into her and she kept on watching our videos that strengthened her for many months.

One day, she wrote a letter to my father, for which he prayed and sent a positive reply, saying ‘God will bless both of you in your work places’. Not able to handle the shame, her husband left for India but she remained in Dubai waiting for the will of God. To her surprise, upon her review, the company granted her a 30 lakhs bonus, recognizing her accomplishments and salary increase, from 2 lakhs to 3 lakhs. Meanwhile, her husband also went to the Prayer Tower in Hyderabad and God promised him through an intercessor saying, ‘surely God will give you all the money you have lost in this court case and you will also serve the Lord in the ministry’. God fulfilled the promise tremendously. They were able to pay back all the debts and he started volunteering and praying for the people in the same prayer tower. God released him and brought about great joy. They received news of complete clearance from the case. Isn’t that amazing! "

Yes! You don’t have to struggle to make things happen. Just like when Adam and Eve were easily managing the entire garden full of animals and trees. There was nobody to teach them, yet they learned and managed the garden wonderfully. There was a great difference when they were with God, doing it effortlessly, and when they lost God and started to toil by themselves, being punished and sent out of the garden.

You may be struggling today to produce wealth for yourself, provide for your family, or deal with challenges in your marriage or job, such as getting a promotion or finding employment. Today, surrender to His will. He will equip you in your work and place you in the right position. He will make you prosper, bless all your efforts by making them easier, provide all the guidance and wisdom you need, and enable you to be successful.

Jesus is the way to our wealth, and our total security is in the Lord. Continue to seek God’s blessing in all things, and He will make life easy for you.

Practice this lifelong, and whatever you do will yield great wealth in your life.

With much prayers,

Samuel Dhinakaran

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