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A Very Present Help

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” - Psalm 46: 1

My friend, you might be seeking somebody to be always around you to help and understand what you are going through, and might seek somebody with whom you can share your heart and truly ask for help. Maybe there is nobody in your life with whom you can open up to ask for help or they might ridicule you and tell you that this is not needed for you. But someone is always there to listen to you my friend. God says, ‘I want to be your very present help’.

You might ask, ‘am I worthy to be helped by God? Am I worthy enough to be looked upon by Him? I am not a holy person, I have made so many mistakes. I have not kept up all the traditions that I needed to keep before God. I am not a great person, will God help me?’

God is choosing to want to help you and He wants to be your very present help. Whenever you are in trouble, He says, ‘call unto Me, I will come and help you, I want to be always called by you for help.’ You might think that I should not disturb God for small things, I should not call Him for my problems in friendship, I should not disturb Him for my studies, it’s a small exam, but know that God wants to be a part of everything small and big in our lives.

In any trouble, call to God. This is what a young girl, Queen Esther did in the Bible. She had to stand before a king to make a request for the lives of her people. He was a powerful man. If he didn’t like somebody or the request that they made, he would kill them right away. But with all her heart she asked the Lord in prayer, ‘Lord help me’. Do you know what God did? When she went to the king, he told her to ask whatever she wanted. As per Luke 2: 52, God gave her favor in the eyes of man.

God will also give you favor in the eyes of all men. You might have to approach someone big for favors, God will help you. David always held onto the Lord asking Him for everything in his life. God liked that so much. When David faced the daunting task of confronting the giant Goliath, he turned to the Lord, seeking His help with a humble plea: 'help me.' With faith as his shield, David ventured forth in the name of the Lord, and with a single stone, he knocked out the mighty giant. This is a testament to the power of God.

If you are facing exams, call unto Him, saying I have a big giant of an exam, help me Lord. And with the little wisdom and knowledge you have, God will multiply it and make you hit the target. Even in friendships, God gave David a wonderful friend Jonathan. When everybody seemed to be against him and when people around didn’t like him and were plotting against him, God gave him a wonderful and true friend Jonathan. He took care of David and loved him. In the same way He will give you wonderful friends. God saw that Adam was lonely and He created a helpmate for him. Even in marriage, He will help you.

Our God is willing to go to all extent and you will see the help of God. It is supernatural. He is ready to create something new for you. Create a new you, create things as miracles in your life. He can do anything. Isn’t it wonderful to have such a person! He will not let you lack anything. Call unto Him, He will be your very present help in times of trouble.

Ask God, ‘help me always to seek you Lord.’ He will help you grow in wisdom, direct your decisions for your future, help you to be a good person and to make the right choices, bless your health and fulfill every need in your life.

God bless you this June. Experience the help of God always.

With much prayers,

Samuel Dhinakaran

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